Iza Marfisi-Schottman

Associate Professor in Computer Science

Designing Games for Education


Article writing workshop

Setting up workshops to increase the teams’ publications


When I arrived at the LIUM lab in 2013, I set up a bi-annual writing workshop to increase the number of articles published by the team. The principal is quite simple: after a short presentation of the upcoming ICT conferences, each researcher (including Master and PhD students) is encouraged to propose an article. The articles are then reviewed by two other team members and I also set up a face-to-face session during which they can explain their point of view directly to the authors. This allows the authors to improve their articles, before they send them to the conference, and it also has the advantage of keeping each member of the team informed of their colleagues’ work and potentially create synergies.

It is too early to say if the writing workshop has increased the number of publications significantly and its format could certainly be improved. For example, this year I set up a seminar so that several experienced colleagues could share their advice and best practices for writing articles and delivering good quality oral presentations.

The writing workshops seem, in any case, to have a positive effect on the team’s spirit and my colleagues have asked me to organize a third edition this year!



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Last update June 2015 Credits