Iza Marfisi-Schottman

Associate Professor in Computer Science

Designing Games for Education


Math Goggles

Enhancing math activities with augmented reality

For this project, we are designing several augmented reality tools for tablets to enhance existing manual activities for learning geometry such as Tangram puzzles, paving patterns or 3D constructions. These tools provide hints and extra information (e.g. name of the figure, value of its area and angles), displayed on the screen directly on the real geometrical objects manipulated by the student. The feedback provided depends on the student’s profile and the pedagogical concepts the teachers wants to focus on during the activity. The real objects can also be “scanned” and projected to a fully virtual model. The students can then manipulate this model in ways that would be impossible with the real object (e.g. they can duplicate the figures, change their size or color, merge them…).



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Project Infomation:

Date: 2014 – ongoing

Implication: leader

Partners: LIUM lab (France) and Plaisir Maths association (France)

Last update June 2015 Credits